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2024 CV in finnish

2024 CV in english

Updated: Winter 2024


Thesis production

Paras ystäväni haamu (My best friend ghost) is an anthology about ghosts and other supernatural experiences. The book is directed for children, but everyone can find some joy in it. The book was made during spring 2024. The poems and the things happening in them are based on real experiences which I collected from my close relatives. As a part of my thesis production I also illustrated and designed a visual layout for the book. I also printed 10 copies of it at the end.


Student project

AR Puzzle of cultures is a project displaying different cultures. It was produced as a part of visual design factory in Oamk. Part of the team were also Clara (clra.gaio ig), Anna-Maria (pannamariya ig), Essi Kostet, Sakhmi ja Jenna Suutari. My part in the project was to illustrate two of the images, animate some of the illustrations and to coordinate the AR part. You can read a more in depth introduction below!


Student project

I was part of the work-group for PLUS MINUS animation. The animation was presented in Lumo light festival 2021. The names of everyone working on this project are in the youtube video description of this animation.